Providing clean water to earthquake-ravaged Haiti is no simple task, but Bobbi Dunphy is spearheading a vital ‘profit for purpose’ initiative that will not only provide advanced water purification technologies but will also help Haitians get back on their feet. When the hyperkinetic Bobbi Dunphy is asked why she spends so much of her energy […]
Tag Archives: Disaster Relief
Rapid Response Required : Cholera Outbreak
An outbreak of cholera has exploded in the Artibonite region of Haiti. We have received reports that as of this morning, Friday Oct 22nd, there have been more than 2000 cases of acute watery diarrhea and already 160 deaths and mounting, at the facilities in St. Marc, Petite Riviere d’Artibonite, Mirebalais and Lascahobas; the death-rate […]
Posted in Features, LifeGivingForce Foundation, LifeGivingForce LLC
Also tagged cholera, clean water, Haiti, Life Giving Force, water filtration, water purification, water technology
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