Happy World Water Day!!!

The UN General Assembly designates March 22nd of every year as World Water Day and LGF is proud to join together with the water community today to highlight the global water crisis and to celebrate the progress made to date.

The Challenge:
780 million people live without access to safe drinking water and 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation. The lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services contributes to pneumonia and diarrheal diseases, two of the three leading killers of children. Women and children are typically burdened with the collection of water, traveling long distances, often in dangerous circumstances. Both sickness and the burden of collection keep people from school and work.

Urban Perspective:
Ensuring access to WASH services in a rapidly urbanizing world is a critical challenge. Of urban dwellers, it is the poor and those living in slums that have the least access to these resources. Issues of land tenure and overcrowding make the construction and maintenance of water and sanitation infrastructure difficult, and magnify the health consequences that come from unsafe water and poor sanitation facilities.

The Response:
The global water community has organized a variety of events around World Water Day to raise awareness and share knowledge about WASH issues.
LGF is proud to play a part in this community and to lend our support for the Water for the World Act soon to be introduced in Congress. LGF is as committed as ever to bringing clean water to those in need in Haiti and elsewhere. Please help us do so by contributing to our work. Thank you!


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